Sonntag, 30. Dezember 2012

A Walk To The Hills

Yesterday I took a walk to a beautiful local hill and could get some really wonderful shots!
Enjoy please :) - Click photos to enlarge ;)

Mittwoch, 26. Dezember 2012

Magical Window

Just the moment I saw this beautiful scene... so really had to capture it!
A window turns to magic when raindrops hit it at sunset :)

Dienstag, 11. Dezember 2012

Herwig König Wollkommen Clip

I filmed for a welcome clip of Herwig König for Wollbrett last month
which was quite a special shoot coz it was him refurbishing an old diy quarter
and then shredding it at night with some "firing" tricks.

He just finished editing it and I think it turned out just great :)


Sonntag, 9. Dezember 2012


Snowed like crazy today... so I tried my luck with getting a macro shot of snowflakes...

Freitag, 7. Dezember 2012

200fps fun with NEX-FS700

Had a shoot with the NEX-FS700 at work this week...
We shot at 200fps and me and a colleaque fooled around with it a bit
in the breaks of changing the set...
Thought I'd made a little edit with some funny scenes :P

Freitag, 30. November 2012

Magical Start Of Winter

Yesterday the winter really came breaking in... and today it already showed
one of the most magical moments ever... Some Icicles hanging on fine branches
in the dark only enlighted by street light

Donnerstag, 1. November 2012

Fall Leaves

Got out today to get some shots of fall leaves as long as they're still there ;)

Waterdrops On Fall Leaf

Donnerstag, 25. Oktober 2012

DIY Curb Skate Clip with Herwig König

Filmed for a little skate clip with Herwig (representing Rhythm Livin' & Boarders Project Nbg) some
weeks ago where he shreds a curb he built himself with his club "Skateboardfreunde Nbg e.V."
He did the editing and I think it turned out just great!

Enjoy and feel free to share :)

Montag, 15. Oktober 2012

Herwig König - Der Erfolg rund um die Bretter (Abschlussfilm)

Lang lang ist es her, dass ich meinen Abschluss zum Mediengestalter Bild und Ton gemacht hab; Genaugenommen war es bereits im Juni!

In meinem Abschlussfilm habe ich Herwig König portraitiert,
einen Nürnberger Skater, der nicht nur mit seinem Skateboarding Erfolg hat (Sponsoren, Coverage...), sondern v.a. auch mit seinem Engagement für die Skateszene in und um Nürnberg im Rahmen seines Vereins "Skateboardfreunde Nürnberg e.V.".

Hatte leider in der Zwischenzeit viel zu viel andere Sachen zu tun, sodass ich bis jetzt nicht dazu gekommen bin, das ganze der Welt zu präsentieren.

Ich habe eine etwas erweiterte Version von der Originalversion, die ich abgegeben hatte, gemacht, da ich um die Zeitvorgabe einhalten zu können ein paar Kompromisse eingehen musste und einfach nochmal eine Version machen wollte, mit der ich komplett zufrieden bin.

Naja genug gefaselt... Lasst die Bilder sprechen!

Mehr Infos + HD mit einem Klick auf "Vimeo" im Player.

Wen die Originalversion interessiert, findet sie hier.
Dort in der Beschreibung auch wie der Film bewertet wurde, Vorgaben etc.

Freitag, 5. Oktober 2012

Steff The Slob -We Can Still Turn It - Part 8

We're at the finish line!
Here's the 8th and last of the videos I made
for Steff The Slob's record "We Can Still Turn It".
Enjoy one last time! I think this one really turned out the best!
But see for yourself ;)

PS: If you want to watch the videos all together, I made a playlist ;)

Sonntag, 30. September 2012

A Foggy Morning

Got up early today to get a timelapse of the sun rising over fog coz I've seen
that a lot this week but certainly never had time to do a timelapse coz of work...
Well today there was too much fog to even see the sun... Bad luck!

But I got some photos out of it though :P

Freitag, 28. September 2012

Steff The Slob - We Can Still Turn It - Part 7

Hell yeah here's the second to last part of the We Can Still Turn It
video session with Steff The Slob... Only one to go!

Freitag, 21. September 2012

Steff The Slob - We Can Still Turn It - Part 6

Friday again! Which means another new part from Steff The Slob's We Can Still Turn it!
Really like that part... so check it out and tell me what you think!
Have a great Weekend!
Over and Out!

Freitag, 7. September 2012

Steff The Slob - We Can Still Turn It - Part 4

Another friday - another part of "We Can Still Turn It" by Steff The Slob.
It's already the 4th part now which is also basically my favorite part till now :)

Dienstag, 4. September 2012

Crazy Red Sunset

Today I got to see a totally crazy sunset...
The sky was quite foggy and only the sun shone in a deep red tone...
I actually made a timelapse of it which is gonna be in my longterm timelapse project
...hopefully coming out this year :P

Freitag, 31. August 2012

Steff The Slob - We Can Still Turn It - Part 3

Another week gone by...
Here's the 3rd part of the We Can Still Turn It Session with Steff The Slob.

Dienstag, 21. August 2012

Finally Some New Photography

I finally got to sort out and edit all the photos I took in the last few months...
I was kinda busy with all the video projects I had lately... :P

So here's all my latest photography sorted by session... Enjoy! :)

18.08. - Macro Nature

17.08. - Munich Trip

10.08. - Moon

10.08. - Eichstaett Hills

10.08. - Nuremberg Park