Got up early today to get a timelapse of the sun rising over fog coz I've seen
that a lot this week but certainly never had time to do a timelapse coz of work...
Well today there was too much fog to even see the sun... Bad luck!
Friday again! Which means another new part from Steff The Slob's We Can Still Turn it!
Really like that part... so check it out and tell me what you think!
Have a great Weekend!
Over and Out!
Another friday - another part of "We Can Still Turn It" by Steff The Slob.
It's already the 4th part now which is also basically my favorite part till now :)
Today I got to see a totally crazy sunset...
The sky was quite foggy and only the sun shone in a deep red tone...
I actually made a timelapse of it which is gonna be in my
longterm timelapse project ...hopefully coming out this year :P